We place ghost bike memorials for bicyclists killed while riding and maintain the over 100 memorials around Houston. We are committed to honor those who have lost their lives and promoting safer roads with improved awareness, signage, and more dedicated bike lanes.



1. Monetary donations can be made using the PayPal link above. All donations will be used towards buying paint, chain, locks, etc. used in the making of and placing of ghost bikes. We are a volunteer group. We do not have a non-profit status and don't foresee a time when that will change so donations will not be tax deductible.

2. We are not currently accepting donations of old bikes. We have a stockpile of two dozen bikes or so and when we need more we will post on the page. Please keep checking the page.

3. How can you help? If you would like to be more hands-on, we ask that you use the Google map link to find a ghost bike near you and check on the ghost bike on a semi-regular basis. Keep the bike clean, remove old/replace decorations as needed (usually flowers from dollar stores), and alert the admins of any vandalism or if the bike is stolen/removed.

4. What if I want to be MORE hands-on? The HGB group will occasionally put out a call-to-action for certain situations. Some of these might be memorial rides, support rides, or prep parties to prepare ghost bikes for placement. If you feel that you would like to help organize, lead rides, etc. please reach out the admins and let them know of your desire to help.

5. What if I am involved in an accident with a motorist? ALWAYS FILE A POLICE REPORT AND OBTAIN DRIVER INSURANCE INFORMATION.

6. What if I know of a cyclist fatality but don't see it on your map? Please post on our group. Add a link if possible. We rely on the public to alert us of fatalities. Some of our ghost bikes have been placed at the request of the family so feel free to reach out if you have any information or requests.



“Installing Houston's ghost bikes is hard work for volunteers Steve and Melissa Sims. The couple leads efforts to memorialize each and every cyclist killed on Houston streets by installing a solid-white bike on stretches of road around town, and their work is unfortunately never ending..”

Houston Chronicle